Building Game Building

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Building Game Building is a game about building a game building so that the game company can keep building games, maintain milestones, and perform the best.

This was a submission to Ludum Dare 49, my first LDJam game too. I had a lot of fun making it despite being so busy in school, and it turned out super polished for my first mostly-solo jam in a while. I finished 279th out of 2204 jam entries, which was super good!

I really liked the amount of polish I was able to fit into my game. I thought the concept was okay and fairly novel, but the gadget system and a lot of game feel really made playing the game super enjoyable. I was particularly proud of my responsive tutorial system which really took advantage of event-driven programming, and learned a lot about common practices when implementing events. One thing that could have definetely been better was the way game features were introduced. The overall game ended up being fairly complicated, and I think that caused reviews to be just okay. If I had more time, I would want to seed the first part of the game so that it only shows certain features at a time, and slowly layers the complexity on. I would also love to port the game to mobile! But that project is for another day.

“Help Startup Games™ deliver games from milestone to milestone! Drop rooms and match departments to meet deadlines, and perform research to unlock unique, groundbreaking gadgets.”

  • Indie
  • Everything except for music and background
  • 72 hours
  • October 2021

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